Recently, I found a new You Tube favorite: The Crafty Gemini. She uploads weekly sewing and cooking videos each week to YT, and she has a fun blog and Facebook page too. In one of her tutorial videos, she shows how to make a fabric basket by repurposing a cotton clothesline and strips of fabric. It looked easy enough so I thought I'd give it a try.
For my fabric basket, I used strips of my white VBS t-shirt (please don't tell Ms. Jesma!) and an old, dirty clothesline that we used to take camping with us. I finished it off with a few scraps of quilting fabric that I made yo-yos out of and added covered buttons from my stash. There was an uneven spot where I stopped my cording so I wanted to cover that up, hence the yo-yo flowers.
The next one I make, I think I will try to add handles and maybe make it a bit wider at the top.
If you try out this project, be sure to test your machine to make sure it can handle the cotton cording. Sewfia had a bit of trouble starting so I had to really coax her into cooperating. Definitely use a new sharp needle (a ball point needle won't work) or you'll have lots of thread breaking.
Here's a link to the
tutorial. If you try it out, let me know how it goes! :)